Classmate Profiles

     Contains profile information: 60
     Profile contains photos: 8
     In Memory: 49
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 34
     Military Service: 17
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Horace Allison   
Claudia Anderson  
Jessie Andrus
Anna Auzenne (Gradney)
Bonnie Ballou
Helena Barrington (Orphey)
Arnold Batiste   
Cynthia Joy Beloney (Housley)   
Corliss Berry (Fogg)   
Evelyn Berry (Hawkins)   
Teresita Beverly (Strauss)   
Tommy Bilbo  
John Briscoe  
Oben Broussard    
Virginia Broussard
Barbara Brown (Prince)
Charles Brown
Johnny Lee Brown   
William Carl "JuJu" Brown    
Carolyn Buck
Delores Bushnell (Barker)
Juddy Carrier (Carrier)   
Raymond Celestine   
Joyce Charles (Edwards)   
Shirley Chavis
Vernadine Chavis   
Thelma Cobb
Verna Collins (Anderson)   
Gwen Cormier (Ceaser)
Priscilla Cormier
Myrtis Daniel   
Emma Jean Davis (Johnson)    
Rodney Dean  
Toni DeBlanc (Eaglin)
Nettie Deruso (Glaze)
Lindsey Deville  
Joyce Doucet (Kaough)   
Brenda Doucett
Ray Field Duhon   
Trevelynn Duhon (Johnson)  
Allen Dunbar
Mary Eaglin (Terrell)   
Linda Easton
Evelyn Edwards (Winbush)
Lee Gilbert Evans  
Hayward Fobbs
Larry Fobbs    
Lucinda Fontenot (Adair)
Wanderlon Ford (Barnes)
Stella Francis, PsyD   
Wanda Francois (Love)
Jerry Ann Frank  
Andrew Gallien
Patricia Garrick (Patterson)   
Curtis Gobert
Eary Goins (Orphey)  
Cassandra Gradney
Louann Granger (Crocket)
Betty Green (Ross)  
Family Guest  
Charlotte Guidry   
Mary Guidry (Love)
Sandra Guidry (Morris)   
Winifred Guidry (Augustus)  
Barbara Guillory
Brenda Guillory (White)   
Charlene Guillory  
Gilbert Guillory
Gillis Guillory   
Michael Hagger    
Charles Louis Hall   
Clara Hall
Michael Hall
Betty Harmon (Bushnell)
Camilla Harris
Violet Hastings (Bellard)
Edward "Butch" Henderson    
Leo Henny   
Gene Hill Sr   
James Hinton  
Patricia Faye Jefferson (Perry)   
Lester Johnson
Robert Johnson
Edith Jones  
Malcolm Jones  
Rita Jones (Sterling)   
Sheryal Joseph   
Brenda Joubert (Mackey)
Raywood Joubert  
Kenneth Kelly    
Peggy Kennedy (Rose)   
Loraine Lachapelle
Nelson Latigue
Sheral LaVergne   
Loyce Lazare (Fontenot)   
Jimmy LeBlanc   
Georgiana LeDoux (Carter)   
Vera Leger (Francis)   
Rose Leviege (Taylor)   
Barbara Lewis   
Harriet Lewis (Simon)
Patricia Lewis (Gallow)   
Joseph Lubin    
Ralph Lute
Diana Mahannah (John)
Willard Malbreaux
Monica Marchand   
Stella Matthews (Landry)   
Ernest McDaniel    
Don McZeal
Ervin Meche  
Arthur Mae Miller (Brown)   
Melvin Miller    
Nancy Miller (Wilson)
Charlene Milligan (Brown Polk)  
Brenda Moore   
Neal Moore
Jimmy Morris
Donald Nash (Md)
Michael Ned
John Orphey  
Artie Faye Outley   
James Outley  
Dora Palms
Shirley Parish   
Irma Parker  
William "Bobby" Perkins    
Joseph Peron    
Lawrence Perrodin
Delores Pete (Brown)   
Beverly Pierfax (Mearidy)    
Preston Plumber
Shirley Price  
Evelyn Prudhomme (Adams)
John Redmond  
Sue Redmond   
Bernadette Rideaux  
Leo Rideaux, Jr.    
Geraldine Rodgers   
Paulette Ross
Linda Rougeau (Carrier)    
Barbara Semien
Carolyn Semien   
Dr. Linda Semien (Guillory)
Lyonel Semien   
Gladis Senegal (Malone)   
Helen Shorten (Wright)   
Barbara Simien (Eaglin)
Shirley Small    
Acquilla Smith (Peltier)   
Mable Smith (Jones)    
Henrietta Sonnier (Brenklin)   
Catherine Sterling
Cherron Sterling (Boutte)   
Gloria Sterling (McGill)   
Rita Sterling (Jones)
Shirley Sterling   
Olivia Stevens
Thomas Stevens
Evelyn Stewart (Johnson)
Gerry Thomas (Rious)   
Janice Thomas   
Ruth Thomas (Paul)
Arthur L Thompson   
Georgia Tillman
Patricia Valerie   
Loretta Victorian
Willie Mae Walker
Arthur Walls
Victor Ware
Billy Weldon   
Linda Weldon
Amanda West (Thomas)    
Linda Wheeler (Rideaux)   
Donald White
Sherman White
Paulette Wiley
Alvin Williams    
Diane Williams (Francisco)   
Patricia Williams
John Wilridge    
Geneva Wilson   
Emily Winbush (Reeder)
Leroy Winbush
Carolyn Young
Ruth Young   

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